Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Mukesh Kumar extended the police custody of Simranjeet Singh and Jagbir Singh for five more days after the Delhi police Crime Branch sought their custody for further questioning.
"5 (five) days police custody is granted to the Crime Branch for further interrogation in the case. They be produced on December 22," the court said.
The two accused, members of Namdhari's 'Khalsa Sena', were produced before the court after expiry of their six days of police remand, given on December 12.
The investigating agency in the case informed the court that they want five more days ofcustody as they have to arrest eight more co-accused in connection with the case at their instance.
Simranjeet and Jagbir, both hailing from Rampur in Uttar Pradesh, were arrested for their alleged involvement in the case, the police said, adding that the total number of arrests now stands at 10.
A .315 bore rifle with seven cartridges and one 12 bore DBBL gun with 10 live cartridges were seized from the duo's possession.
Ponty and Hardeep, who had an ongoing property dispute, were killed in a shootout at their Chattarpur farmhouse in South Delhi on November 17. (More)