Two persons arrested from Karnataka on the basis of statement given by the woman kingpin of an illegal money transaction network being run here under the guidance of Pakistani agencies were today remanded to 14 days' judicial custody by a district court.
Chief Judicial Magistrate (CJM) Amar Jyoti Shrivastava sent Mushtaq Ahmad and Mohammad Ashique to 14 days' judicial custody on production.
The duo were arrested from Mangalore in Karnataka on November 23 on the basis of statement of woman "kingpin" Ayesha Bano. They were brought here today and produced before the CJM court.
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Ayesha Bano and her husband Jubair are lodged in jail here in the case.
The illegal money transaction racket was busted here early this month by Bihar Police on an alert given by the NIA. The network was being run under the guidance of people from Pakistan.