Kalanidhi, brother of former Union Minister Dayanidhi Maran, heads the Sun TV network which is under probe by the agency pertaining to an alleged illegal gratification of about Rs 550 crore allegedly received by the Maran brothers in the Aircel-Maxis deal.
Kalanidhi, according to sources, was recently summoned by the agency for questioning but he sent an authorised representative with required documents to the investigating authorities.
Sources said he will soon be questioned and his statement will be recorded under the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA).
Dayanidhi Maran, a former Union Telecom Minister, had quit from the Cabinet last year after allegations were made that he had favoured Malaysian firm Maxis over Aircel in grant of telecom licences in 2004-05.
Maran has denied the allegations.
The CBI too is probing Maran and his brotherin connection with these allegations.