Twinkle Toes (Dr.M.A.M.Ramaswamy) 53.5 Babul first
Commander Bond 55 Rajendra Singh second
Dash of Grey 53.5 S.Kabdhar third
Midnight Stars 53.5 M.P.Prem fourth
All ran
Won by: 1-1/2L, 2-3/4L, 1-1/2L
Time:one min, 13.83 secs
Tote: Rs.5 for win, Rs.15 carried over and Rs.Nil for
Winner trained by: R.Foley
Favoruite: Twinkle Toes
Shp: Rs.18 carried over
Quinella: Rs.9
Forecost: Rs.73
Tanala: Rs.83 on two tickets. MORE