Four persons have been arrested and lakhs of fake caps and holograms for liquor bottles were seized from the manufacturing unit at Govindnagar area here, police said today.
A joint team of STF and police personnel yesterday raided the house of one Jaswant Singh at Nariakheda in Govindnagar area here and unearthed the factory producing fake cap and hologram for country made liquor, a police spokesperson said.
Other than fake caps and holograms, materials used to produce those and machines have also been seized from the spot, police said adding, four workers have been arrested while the owner managed to flee, police said.
Those arrested have been identified as Brajabhan Yadav, Mukil Siddiqi, Ravikumar and Sirajuddin, they said adding investigation was underway and search was on to nab the owner of the manufacturing unit.