Police said prima facie, the incident, which took place in north-west Delhi's Swaroop Nagar at around 5 PM, appeared to be a "crime of passion" in which one of the attackers shot dead his woman "friend" and targeted his own family members, killing his two-and-half year-old daughter and injuring his wife, another daughter and brother.
Manish (25) and Rajbeer (32) rode a motorcycle into the locality, targeting Rajbeer's brother Krishan who was injured in the firing.
The two then shot dead Jyoti (23), a friend of Manish, followed by Usha Yadav (25), a teacher who is said to be the friend of Rajbeer.
From there, Rajbeer went to his house where he opened fire at his wife Pooja and two daughters Khushi and two-and-half year-old Rashi. Khushi was killed while her mother and sister are battling for life.
Rajbeer and Manish then attempted suicide by shooting themselves. While Rajbeer died, Manish is battling for life.
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All of them where rushed to Babu Jagjivan Ram hospital where four of them were declared brought dead.
"We are ascertaining the reason why the attacker took this step. Preliminary enquiries suggested it is a passion related crime. We are investigating the matter," a senior official said.
"We have come to know that there was also some property dispute between Rajbeer and Krishan," he said.
This is the second such incident in a week's time in the capital. Earlier on Monday, four members of a family and a landlady were killed by a youth in south-west Delhi's Bindapur and UP's Ghaziabad.
Ravi first killed his cousin Naveen and later shot dead his wife Renu, with whom he had developed a relationship. When Renu's landlady came to her room after hearing gunshots, he allegedly opened fire at her also.
He fled the spot and then drove over 40 km to Ghaziabad where he murdered Renu father Harender and sister Baby before shooting himself dead.