Continuing with its probe into spot-fixing in just-concluded IPL, Goa police today arrested six bookies on an information provided by Delhi Police which are looking for three 'fixers' alleged to be conduits of three more cricketers.
The elite Special Cell Delhi Police, which has been on the pursuit of some bookies after registering a case, had informed the Goa police about the presence a few people in its area and their movement was being closely monitored, police said.
After monitoring a particular casino where the bets for IPL matches were being put, the police teams drew a blank till Goa police apprehended six bookies from a rented accommodation at Candolim, about nine kms away from Panaji.
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Over two dozen mobile phones, laptops, iPads and huge amount of cash was recovered from the arrested bookies.
Initial information was that all the arrested persons were from Mumbai. Police said their voice samples will be taken to match with the recorded conversations that are in possession of the Delhi Police.
In the meantime, a hunt had been launched to nab three people who allegedly used to 'fix' deals on behalf of the three cricketers other than those arrested by the special cell of the Delhi Police.
The three people, who are being referred as 'fixers' by the officials of the special cell, are from Nagpur and Jaipur and their names cropped up during the interrogation of Mohammed Yahya, a bookie arrested by Delhi Police from Hyderabad airport when he was trying to flee the country.
Terming Yahya's arrest as an important one which helped the police in solving the jigsaw of spot-fixing to a great extent, they said curtains may be drawn on the case once the fixers are also picked up.