In a tragic incident, a six-year-old boy died of suffocation after getting accidentally locked inside a car here, police said today.
The body of Somesh Das was found today, four days after he went missing. The car was parked in an open compound near a residential apartment in Sachin locality, where he resided.
The boy entered the car belonging to one of the residents of 'Jai Vaibhav Villa' apartment. He accidentally got locked inside and could not manage to come out, eventually dying of suffocation, police said.
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The tragic incident came to light when neighbours complained of foul smell emanating from near the apartment.
Police were called and they traced the stench to the car, where Das' body was found lying in a decomposed state.
A CCTV camera footage obtained by the police showed the boy entering into the car. The boy's family had lodged a missing person's complaint with Sachin Police Station on June 13 when he did not return home.
Since then, police had launched a search for Das.