A 7-year-old girl, allegedly sold off by his father in remote Kurung Kumey district of Arunachal Pradesh a month ago, was rescued during a raid which also netted three accused of a girl trafficking racket.
A police officer said today that Lokam Yakti, the child from Tarla village, was allegedly sold by her father Lokam Tagi on September 3 last to one Gangte Tado of Leel Village of the district for a sum of Rs 30,000.
Tado along with his brother Gangte Taniang later sold the minor to one Gangte Togbe, a differently abled person for an amount of Rs 1.5 lakh, the officer said.
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A team, led by Itanagar P.S Sub-Inspector N Angu on the same day arrested all three involved - including the father Lokam - with the help of the OC from Naharlagun, the officer said.
The girl is now in safe custody of her uncle, she said.
Prominent NGO of the area, Lokam Welfare Society (LWS) has congratulated the police for taking prompt action and saving the child from human traffickers and arresting the accused.