Altogether 79 candidates have filed their nomination papers for the fourth phase of Lok Sabha elections in West Bengal to be held on May 7, the OSD in CEO's office Amit Roy Chowdhury said here today.
Six Lok Sabha constituencies going to the polls in fourth phase are Jhargram, Midnapore, Purulia, Bankura, Bishnupur and Asansol.
"At the end of last day for filing nominations in this phase today, 16 candidates have filed their nominations from Purulia, followed by 15 from Bankura, 14 from Asansol, 13 from Jhargram, 12 from Midnapore and nine from Bishnupur parliamentary constituencies," he said.
Meanwhile, 46 candidates have so far filed their nominations for the fifth and final phase of Lok Sabha elections to be held on May 12, Roy Chowdhury added.