The 47-year-old actor, who recently highlighted the issue of malpractices prevalent among doctors and sale of medicines in his TV show "Satyamev Jayate", was invited to appear as a witness before the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Commerce which is examining the issue of FDI in pharma sector.
He submitted a report on FDI in the sector and his support for generic drugs before the panel but refused to divulge much citing confidentiality.
A member said after the meeting that the actor supported generic medicines and suggested regulating FDI in pharma sector to protect the interests of smaller companies.
Replying to a volley of questions from reporters on his support for generic medicines, Khan said certain "interested parties" have questioned the quality and "power" of such drugs which was not true.
"The regulatory body checks every drug before it is sold. Be it patented or non patented, branded or unbranded," he said.
To a poser on some doctors and experts questioning his authority to comment on the issue, he said his stand was the result of a "thorough research" on the subject.
"Main motive of big companies is to earn more. We understand that. The issue here is how the poor get cheap medicine...They will benefit if they sell cheap drugs. Bulk sales will lower the profit margins but profit will remain. It is win-win situation for all," Khan said.(MORE)