In a setback to Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) before Delhi polls, its founder member Ashwani Upadhyay today switched to BJP.
"We had left our high-profile jobs and joined AAP just to fight the 4C's namely corruption, crime, casteism and communalism. But over the last one year we realised that instead of abolishing these evils we have adopted them. The party is functioning just as the other regional parties.
"I am attracted by the way Modiji is working and that is the reason why I have joined BJP. I have the vision that the country will change in the next ten years," Upadhyay told reporters here.
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"Besides, Deepak Kumar, a youth Congress leader from Valmiki community also joined BJP," Delhi BJP chief Satish Upadhyay said.
He said that if people like our strategies and believe to bring a change and development then they are welcome to join the BJP.
"People are showing trust as the BJP has been doing something which has not happened in the last six decades," he said.
"Singer Shankar Sahani also announced his joining to BJP," a BJP leader also said. "I am going to come out with a CD which will have songs for the BJP," said Sahani.