Lashing out at Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his "five-star activists" remark, the AAP today said that it was an attempt to supress the "right thinking voices" and also a signal to officers to act tough on NGOs and people who raise their voice against the government.
The party said that in order to avert a UPA like debacle, Modi is trying to orient different arms of the system against "honest" and "fearless" voices of criticism.
"Prime Minister Narendra Modi's address to the top judges of the country on Sunday instigating the judiciary against the civil rights activists and organisations was neither surprising nor new to the nation.
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"The address and the views expressed by the Prime Minister are in line with the broader agenda of the BJP government in centre to muzzle the right thinking voices in the country against the increasing radical tendencies under Modi rule," the party said in a statement.
Addressing a joint conference of Chief Justices of High Courts and Chief Ministers yesterday, Modi said that while the judiciary is getting powerful, it is necessary that it also becomes "perfect" to live up to the expectations of the people.
"It is easy to deliver judgements based on the law and the Constitution. There is a need to be cautious against perception-driven verdicts," he had said, adding that "perceptions are often driven by five star activists".
The party alleged that the Prime Minister through his jibe has also sought to harness the interests of profiteers and business houses who are faced with people's movement and criticism across the country.
"With the Prime Minister using sarcastic adjectives like five-star activists for civil society members, it gives a clear incentive to officers and people in important positions in the government to be unnaturally tough on NGOs and people who raise their voices against illegal acts of government and corporate biggies.
"We also believe that, as in the past, the judiciary will always stand by the constitution and law while discharging their duties and will not heed to the loaded suggestions from any quarter," the statement said.
The party said that most of the anti-corruption breakthroughs in the ten year rule of Manmohan Singh led UPA government have been made possible due to vigilance and activism of civil right activists.
"Central government under the leadership of Narendra Modi is trying to create a myth that raising voice against government is akin to talking against the nation. The motives of the government have been contradicted several times even by the judiciary," the statement said.