Yogendra Yadav, AAP candidate from Gurgaon Lok Sabha seat, was today served a show cause notice by a poll official for allegedly operating party office at two places - Sohna and Tauru - without requisite permission.
Yadav has been asked to explain by 11.30 am on April 4 as to why action should not be taken against him for violation of the Model Code of Conduct.
In the notice, Assistant Returning Officer, Sohna (Gurgaon), Vivek Kalia has stated that the Flying Squad, Sohna, during its inspection conducted twice, on March 31 and today, at AAP party office at Sohna, found the office running without permission and those present there could not produce documents when demanded.
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The Flying Squad, Tauru, inspected the AAP office today during which the representatives present there failed to produce documents to the satisfaction of the inspecting officials.
"Running a political office without requisite permission is violation of Model Code of Conduct," the release said.
Among others, Yadav is pitted against turncoat and BJP leader Rao Inderjit Singh in Gurgaon.