An official of agriculture produce market has been arrested by the Anti-Corruption branch (ACB) for allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs 10,000 from a trader to revoke suspension of his traders' license, an ACB official said here today.
"Balveer Singh Meena, posted as Secretary in Krishi Upaj Mandi Samiti in Chabra town of Baran district, was arrested yesterday while accepting a bribe of Rs 10,000 from one Naveen Kumar Aggarwal, a trader in the Mandi," Circle In-charge (CI) ACB Baran, Neeraj Gupta said.
Meena had allegedly demanded a bribe of Rs 54,000 to revoke Aggarwal's traders' license but after negotiations the matter was settled at Rs 10,000, Gupta said.
The trader had complained to ACB on May 28 and after verification, a trap was laid and Meena was arrested, he added.