Tamil Nadu Minister K T Rajenthra Bhalaji, who has claimed adulteration of milk by some private producers, today said samples have been sent to labs in Mysore and Pune for quality analysis and assured action based on the test results.
He stated this in the state assembly responding to questions from Leader of Opposition M K Stalin who referred to Bhalaji's charge of milk adulteration and sought to know steps taken by the government on the matter.
Bhalaji, the Dairy Development Minister, had told reporters in Sivakasi last month that addition of formaldehyde in milk to extend the shelf life was 'confirmed', in respect of milk produced by a section of dairy firms.
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Replying to Stalin, Bhalaji said following information about adulteration, testing of milk samples was ordered on May 26 and the results confirmed "chemical mixture," thus not safe for consumption.
"The samples have been sent to Central government labs in Mysore and Pune for detailed quality analysis. Based on the test reports, appropriate action will be taken on those firms (dairies)," he said.
"Action will be taken according to law against erring firms," the Minister said.
He also spelt out statistics on fine amount collected for violating milk standards and safety after court orders.
The fine was collected for violations of parameters including low standards, safety and wrong markings.
A total fine of Rs 16,26,800 has been collected in over 100 cases between 2011-2017 under Food Safety law, he said.
He also said that based on a court order, the State and District level Monitoring Committees (for milk safety) has been restructured.
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