The committee warned that due to this shortage of staff it would be difficult for the premier institute to maintain the high standard of patient care and teaching for which it has been known for decades.
The committee cannot remain a mute spectator to the appalling circumstances prevailing in such a reputed place like AIIMS, which is a role model for all medical institutes across the country, it said in its report.
The hospital caters to 8,000 patients on a daily basis.
Of the 1,468 vacancies, 47 are posts of professors, nine vacancies are in the additional professors category, 16 are of associate professors, 303 of assistant professors and 13 posts are yet to be filled in the category of lecturers.
With regard to steps being taken to fill up the vacancies, the committee was apprised that advertisements for filling up of 115 faculty posts was issued by the institute and the selection process for some posts have been completed.
Candidates who have cleared the first two phases of interviews have started joining. However, interviews for remaining posts is underway and the posts will be filled up soon.
The committee was also informed that under the Moily Committee, 160 faculty posts have been created in addition to 34 new posts duly approved by the Academic Committee, Standing Finance Committee and Governing Body on February 29. MORE PTI SWT