Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav on Monday backed Rahul Gandhi's controversial 'dalali' remarks against Prime Minister Narendra Modi on surgical strikes saying the Congress leader must have said it after giving much thought.
He also took a dig at Modi for attending the Dussehra festivities in Lucknow, saying, "had there been elections in Bihar, he would have slayed Ravan there."
"It's not a question of Congress but I have good relations with Rahul Gandhi. If he has said something he must have given it much thought. He must have some information about it," Akhilesh said when asked about Rahul's "dalali" remarks on PM.
The Samajwadi Party leader said that he had visited the families of martyred soldiers and helped them.
"Ultimately, the poor lost their lives, the farmers are dying, their sons are dying, so what do they know about the surgical strike? The question is if you and I have good ties but the relations on the border are strained, the country and the world are unable to understand this," he said.
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Rahul's remarks that the Modi government was "profiteering" (dalai) from the blood spilt by the soldiers had drawn criticism from BJP which accused him of insulting the armed forces. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and NCP too had disapproved of Rahul's remarks.
However, Rahul and his party maintained that they supported the military action but denounced "political propaganda" on the issue.
On Modi's Luckow visit tomorrow, Akhilesh said, "Had there been elections in Bihar, he would have slayed Ravan there. He is coming to Lucknow, he will give something big to us. We have expectations from him for progress of the state," he said.
Akhilesh was addressing media at an event at his official 5 Kalidas Marg residence.