In a stern action, DMK today expelled its southern Tamil Nadu strongman M K Alagiri who remained unfazed by the dismissal, dubbing the decision by his father M Karunanidhi as a measure taken under "threat by some vested interests" and said he would challenge it in court.
Hurt by a spate of actions by Alagiri who not only dared the party on various issues but caused embarrassment meeting leaders of several parties, Karunanidhi said "General Secretary (Anbazhagan) and I discussed the matter and took a decision-- he is being expelled from the party".
But Madurai-based Alagiri refused to be cowed down by the dismissal, saying it did not mean he and his supporters would quit the party.
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"They have expelled me by giving some reason. This is not a decision taken by the DMK President independently. He has taken this decision due to pressure. I know who threatened him. You will know it in due course", he told reporters in Madurai.
"By expelling me, it does not mean that I and my supporters will quit the party. I will challenge it in court", a belligerent Alagiri said after holding an emergent meeting of his supporters called soon after his dismissal from the party.
Alagiri, whose support was most sought after by candidates by all political parties for the April 24 Lok Sabha polls, also asked the DMK ledership why it had not offerred an explanation to the issues raised by him such as the methodology adopted in selction of party candidates.
Karunananidhi stoutly defended the expulsion of his son, saying his "defiance" in not replying to the notice seeking an explanation prompted the party to resort to the extreme step, which Alagiri contested saying "the action was taken without seeking an explanation and issuing a formal notice".
Apparently countering the party's reason for the explusion, he said that after the suspension he had offered to apologise. "When I spoke among my supporters I said I was even prepared to apologise. There is nothing wrong in a son seeking apology from his father."
Alagiri earned the wrath of the party, particularly his father, after he held a series of consultations among his supporters to chalkout his future political plans in the aftermath of his suspension two months ago and his meeting with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, BJP President Rajnat Singh and contestants from rival political parties including MDMK, Congress and BJP.
Alagiri said several leaders have met him seeking his support but he has not assured them of any support.