West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee today said allegations of threats to officials of Shyam-Sel's plant at Jamuria in Burdwan district by Trinamool activists were nothing but "false propaganda".
"This is an one-sided false propaganda which has no link with reality. I personally enquired into the matter and found that somebody was trying to grab the state government's land," Banerjee told reporters at the airport following her two-day stay in north Bengal.
How can government land be taken without informing the state, she asked, adding the details would be made known later.
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"This is not the real case. I still feel our government is very transparent unlike the CPI(M) and there are numerous examples to prove that," she said.
"If anyone in our party is found guilty, then the person will not be spared and quick action will be taken. We are for the people," the Chief Minister said.