Mukesh Ambani, Chairman and Managing Director of Reliance Industries, has been appointed the Chair of India Advisory Council of British Asian Trust (BAT).
Prince Charles made the announcement at Windsor Castle today at a gathering to celebrate the 5th Anniversary of the British Asian Trust, a charity founded in 2007 by British Asian business leaders.
"It is a privilege to be working with an organisation that understands the importance of genuine impact and sustainability. I am confident that the work we will undertake together will make a lasting and a big difference," Ambani said in a release.
The British Asian Trust has worked with South Asian NGOs to touch the lives of one million disadvantaged people by tackling various issues, including mental health, child abuse and providing business qualifications for illiterate rural women.
The India Advisory Council will provide the British Asian Trust with further in-country insight and further assist with their rigorous selection of future projects, the release said.