The Tamil Nadu government today assured the Madras High Court that the 108 (emergency telephone number ambulance services will not get disrupted due to the proposed strike call by its workers union for two days from October 28 demanding hike in salary, allowances and bonus.
The assurance was given to the court on a PIL by one Patrick seeking to stay the strike.
The court while referring to its orders on Novembr three, las year in the similar situation said that the terms of that order will follow.
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When the same issue was raised last year during Deepavali by one V Meganathan, the then Government Pleader told the court that conciliation proceedings were going on and thus, in terms of Section 22 (i)(d) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, there can be no strike during the pendency of the conciliation proceedings.
The services provided are public utility services and thus, if there is any breach of the statutory provision, the strike will be declared illegal and the Government will take appropriate action to ensure that services are maintained.
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