"We have Amitabh Bachchan as one of the invitee shortlisted for IFFI inauguration or closing," Vishnu Wagh, the vice chairman of Entertainment Society of Goa, a nodal agency to host IFFI, told reporters here.
The organisers will check his availability for the festival depending on his schedule, Wagh said adding that several other Bollywood personalities are also shortlisted who would be invited to participate in the festival.
Bachchan has never inaugurated the festival in past although during IFFI 2008 he had participated in it for a private event.
IFFI 2012 would be held between November 20-30, 2012 in Panaji.
The festival is jointly organised by Union Information and Broadcasting Ministry and Goa government.
Since a lot of Hindi superstars like Rajesh Khanna, Dev Anand and others passed away this year, there will be more stress on retrospectives during the event, Wagh mentioned.