"It was because of one single individual's determination and commitment that CPI(M) was defeated in West Bengal," the BJP stalwart said without referring to Banerjee, who heads the TMC which ended three decades of the left rule in West Bengal in the last assembly polls.
Addressing a meeting here to mark the 30th anniversary of pro-RSS Bharatheeya Vichara Kendram, Advani also took sharp digs at the Communist movement in the country and the world.
Advani recalled that when he became a parliament member for the first time in 1970, communist MPs used to ask him whether his party would have any future. But ironically, over the years, Communist rule had disappeared even in the country where it came to power for the first time, he said.
In India also the situation was not different as a single individual's determination to challenge CPI-M's three-decades rule proved successful in West Bengal, he added.