Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy, who is expected to step down from his post, this evening transferred his principal secretary and special secretary.
Both officers were posted in the Chief Minister's Office.
In a related move, A Satya Rao, Press Secretary in the CMO, has been swiftly appointed Chairman of the Andhra Pradesh Press Academy, a post that commands a Minister's rank.
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Ajeya Kallam, a 1983-batch IAS officer serving as the Chief Minister's Principal Secretary since September last, has been named Principal Secretary (Finance) in the existing vacancy, official sources said.
Shamsher Singh Rawat (1992 batch), the CM's Special Secretary for over three years, has been named Managing Director of Power Generation Corporation of AP.
Last night, two other Special Secretaries of the Chief Minister -- K S Jawahar Reddy (1990) and N Sridhar (1997) -- were transferred to other departments.
Rao earlier served in the State Information and Public Relations Department in various capacities before he became the CM's Press Secretary three years ago.