Reliance Group's Anil Ambani on Wednesday took to the skies for a sortie in the French Rafale fighter jet aircraft at the Aero India 2017 airshow at Yelahanka airbase here.
The 30-minute sortie was a low-level flight with a vertical climb starting from 1,000 feet going up to 6,000 metres and with supersonic run and multiple envelopes.
"This is a proud moment for any Indian to have flown the world's most advanced fighter aircraft. I look forward to an opportunity to make these aircraft under 'Make in India' and serve our Nation, the Air Force and Navy," Ambani said. Reliance Defence has set up a joint venture with Rafale manufacturer Dassault Aviation for the execution of offset obligations under the 36 Rafale aircraft deal for the IAF at a value of 7.87 billion euros or about Rs 59,000 crore.
Ambani, a regular marathoner with a strict fitness regime, was kitted in flying overalls, G suit, Armee de l'Air jacket torso harness, flying boots and helmet with oxygen mask, sources at the five-day show said.