Actor-director Rajat Kapoor's latest directorial venture 'Ankhon Dekhi' will open the 8th annual Mosaic International South Asian Film Festival (MISAFF) 2014 to be held in Toronto from August 7.
The critically acclaimed film stars Sanjay Mishra, Seema Pahwa, Namit Das, Manu Rishi, Brijendra Kala besides Rajat.
"On my way to Toronto. Tomorrow is a screening of 'Ankhon Dekhi' - it is the opening film at MISAFF- come and say hello if you are around," Rajat posted on Twitter.
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A project of the Canadian Community Arts Initiative, the MISAFF features the best of new South Asian cinema from around the world and is a landmark film festival in Canada.
The four-day festival will culminate on August 10.