The 30-year-old actress married Shulman in September in a ceremony in Big Sur California and after a honeymoon in Morocco and France, the couple are planning to return to their Brooklyn loft but are looking for a bigger place to raise a family, reported Contactmusic.
"They're planning to get a bigger place. Anne wants tons of kids, like five," a source said.
Hathaway, who dated Shulman for four years before they tied the knot, recently said she was considering relocating in order to start a family in private.
Discussing paparazzi attention with actresses Rachel Weisz, Naomi Watts, Helen Hunt, Sally Field, Amy Adams and Marion Cotillard, she said, "I am thinking about that attention because I really want to have a baby, and my husband and 'I are like, 'Where are we gonna live?' I'm the only one here who's not a mother. I hope to join the ranks soon," she had said.