The 27-year-old right-handed batsman, who plays for Royal Challengers Bangalore in IPL and has had a history of brawls and brush with police in his country, was arrested on a complaint by the woman who claimed he had invited himself for drinks in her room in a five-star hotel last night and misbehaved with her.
When she objected and her fiance tried to protect her, Pomersbach allegedly landed punches on the fiance's head following which he has been admitted to a private hospital for treatment.
The player, seen with his left arm in a sling, was produced in a local court where he fainted. The Magistrate released him on a day's bail asking police to come with the CCTV footage from the hotel tomorrow before further proceedings could be held.
As the off-field incident stoked a huge storm over the already controversy-marred IPL, Siddharth Mallya, director of RCB and son of Vijay Mallya, sought to create doubts over the character of the woman.
"She was all over me last night and asked for my BBM (Blackberry Messenger) pin, so if he was her fiance, she wasn't exactly behaving like a future wife," Siddharth said in his tweet.
Unfazed by the criticism over his tweets, Siddharth refused to apologise for his comments claiming he was merely speaking the truth. More