Delhi Police has nabbed another man allegedly involved in the daring daylight heist in which Rs 7.69 crore were robbed at Lajpat Nagar area in south Delhi area last Tuesday and recovered Rs 26 lakh from him.
According to the police, the accused identified as Joginder alias Johny (25) was arrested last night from Burari area of North Delhi.
So far, six people, including the juvenile mastermind in the case, have been apprehended in the case. Hunt is on to nab at least three more persons in the robbery.
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"Joginder was driving the Wagon R car which had intercepted the Honda City car which was later hijacked with the cash by the robbers. He was given Rs 28 lakh as share of the loot out of which we have recovered Rs 26 lakh from him," said a senior police official.
He has confessed to have spent around 1 lakh on his girlfriend while around a same amount was spent on a motorcycle, which too has been seized, he said.
Police have arrested five people, Gulzar alias Bhola, Tilak alias Tinku, Praveen, Ajay and Joginder in the case while the juvenile offender has been detained. Under law, a juvenile cannot be named and can only be detained and not arrested.
The 17-year-old teenager, who worked for businessman Rajesh Kalra, had told his relative Ajay that his boss dealt in large amounts of cash which they could easily rob, police said.
Ajay had then roped in Shakti Naidu, a seasoned criminal who is also there relative, to execute the heist. Shakti and some other persons are still at large.
"There were seven people who were on the spot when the robbery was executed. Hunt is on to nab the three other accused in the case," said a senior police officer.