BJP today said Quami Ekta Dal chief Mukhtar Ansari's decision not to contest against Narendra Modi in Varanasi has exposed Arvind Kejriwal's agenda, and alleged that the AAP leader "is making understanding with criminals".
"The Quami Ekta Dal's decision has exposed Kejriwal's agenda... He is making understanding with criminals, mafia against BJP prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi," BJP's Uttar Pradesh state unit president Lakshmikant Bajpai said.
Ansari, who gave a tough fight to BJP leader Murli Manohar Joshi in Varanasi in 2009 Lok Sabha election, has decided not to contest against Narendra Modi from the seat "to avoid division of secular votes".
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Ansari, a gangster-turned-politician and four-time MLA from Mau, is currently lodged in Agra jail in the BJP MLA Krishnanand Rai murder case.
The BJP state chief also raked up AAP leader Prashant Bhushan's controversial remarks on Kashmir, and said "it's not shocking at Bhushan had earlier advocated for a referendum in Jammu and Kashmir".