The 2010 film featured Bruce Willis, John Malkovich, Morgan Freeman and Helen Mirren as former special operations agents forced to come out of retirement for one last job.
Studio executives at Summit Entertainment are preparing to begin production on a follow-up to the film and they're hoping to add the 74-year-old actor to the line-up, The Hollywood Reporter said.
Hopkins will play a villainous scientist locked up in a mental asylum.
However, Hopkins will only be able to sign on for the role if the shooting schedule doesn't clash with his commitments to the "Thor" franchise, in which he plays the ancient superhero's father, is due for release in November, 2013.
Catherine Zeta-Jones and South Korean actor Byung-hun Lee have already been added to the cast of "Red 2", which is slated to hit movie theatres in the summer of 2013.