BJP Vice President Uma Bharti today came out in support of spiritual guru Aasaram Bapu, against whom an FIR has been lodged for allegedly raping a 15-year old, claiming he is innocent.
"Saint Aasaram Bapu is innocent. False cases have been lodged against him in Congress-ruled states. I am with saint Bapu," Bharti said on her Twitter handle today morning.
This led to reports that what Bharti is saying is the official view of the main opposition.
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However, to clear the air, Bharti tweeted in the evening "this is my personal view that Sant samaj of our country is humiliated continuously by UPA government."
An FIR has been lodged against Bapu for allegedly raping a 15-year old girl in his ashram. However, a spokesperson of his ashram claimed the Bapu is innocent and is being implicated.
The controversial spiritual guru had earlier been in the news when two children living in his ashram in Gujarat had gone missing and are suspected to have been killed.