Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia has directed officials concerned to submit footages of the CCTV cameras installed at Asha Kiran Home for the last 10 days in connection with the deaths of 11 inmates at the shelter.
Sisodia, who yesterday visited Asha Kiran Home for mentally challenged women and children situated in North-West Delhi's Rohini area, has directed Social Welfare Department to submit CCTV footages to his office as soon as possible.
The move is intended to take stock of activities of staff deployed at the Home in the last 10 days.
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Meanwhile, on the direction of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Chief Secretary M M Kutty has submitted preliminary report over the deaths of the shelter inmates.
The government has, however, not made the report public, saying final report on the incident will come by February 13 and action will be taken on the final findings.
In his note to Kutty, Kejriwal had yesterday hit out the Secretary of the Social Welfare Department, that runs the home, and sought to know the reason behind her silence on the "11 deaths" that reportedly took place over the last two months.
"I am extremely disturbed by the prevailing conditions reported by DCW and in the media on the home. Chief Secretary should personally ensure that all these deficiencies are removed within a week to the satisfaction of DCW," the Chief Minister had said in the note.
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