pictures of the alleged cold-blooded killing of LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran's 12-year-old son, Khurshid said he cannot comment on hearsay but stressed that India was constantly engaged with Sri Lanka.
"Can't say that what is shown is authentic. We did see pictures shown sometime ago and therefore to comment on hearsay would not be possible," he said.
Khurshid added, "As far as Sri Lanka is concerned, we are constantly in engagement with Sri Lanka. We are important neighbours, we are important partners. We have good friendship. The concerns that people have felt was reflected in our previous engagements."
Asked about media reports that the family of a man, who was allegedly beaten to death in a Pakistani jail, had written to him complaining that the Indian High Commission in Islamabad had asked for "huge money" to send his body back, Khurshid said he was not aware about it.
The Union Minister said letters do not come directly to him and he will look into it when the family's letter comes to him.