The Assam Assembly Speaker Ranjeet Kumar Dass today said he had proposed to change the daily timing of the House by delaying the start by half an hour.
"We have discussed it and will place before the House tomorrow about the new timings. After seven days of that, the new timings will be applicable," Dass told reporters here.
If the House passes the proposal, the House will start everyday at 9:30 am instead of 9 am and will conclude at 2 pm against 1:30 pm at present, he said.
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"For Friday, the morning session of the House will be from 9:30 am to 11:30 and the evening session will be from 3 pm tp 5 pm," Dass said.
When asked about the reason for changing the time, the Speaker said employees of the Assembly were finding it difficult to complete their morning household duties like dropping children to schools among others.
"Moreover, the deadline to receive Zero Hour notice is 8 pm, leaving little time for preparation of respective ministers. So now the new timing will give 30 minutes more to them as the deadline remains the same," Dass said.