The Delhi High Court today asked a woman advocate, who along with some people from the northeast was allegedly abused and manhandled inside a district court here, to make specific allegations against two accused lawyers.
"The court is satisfied and we can issue contempt notice against the two contemnor lawyers, but there has to be specific allegations against them," a bench of Chief Justice G Rohini and Justice R S Endlaw said.
The court told senior advocate Indira Jaising, appearing for the victim lawyer, that in the event of lack of specific allegations, the contempt plea will fail at a later stage.
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"Choice is yours. Ultimately it will fail as there is no specific allegations against two lawyers. File fresh affidavit with complete details with regard to specific allegations," it said.
Jaising responded by saying that the victim will file a fresh affidavit tomorrow giving details of specific roles of contemnors.
"In all fairness, I initially told the police that a mob of lawyers had assaulted her and others and obstructed the administration of justice. Later, we could identify these two persons," she said.
The contempt plea has been filed in a pending PIL which was instituted after the court had taken suo motu cognisance of media reports about the death of Arunachal Pradesh student Nido Tania and had issued a slew of directions on the issue of safety and security of northeast citizens in the capital.
Some persons from the northeast, who had gone to Tis Hazari courts on May 23 for recording of the statement of a molestation victim from the region, were allegedly abused and assaulted by some lawyers inside the courtroom of a magistrate, the plea said.
It has been alleged that the two Delhi-based lawyers and some others had allegedly abused and assaulted persons from Northeast inside the Tis Hazari Court premises on May 23.
A girl, who was allegedly molested on the night of May 22 outside Vishwa Vidyalaya Metro station by an advocate, was accompanied by her friends and the lawyer to the magisterial court in Tis Hazari for recording of her statement, it said.