With neighbouring Uttar Pradesh voting in the first phase of Assembly elections on Saturday, the Delhi government today ordered that 'Dry Day' will be observed in the national capital from tomorrow evening till February 11 in 100 metre radius of the border points.
As per the order issued by the Delhi Excise Department, all liquor shops will be closed from 5 PM on February 9 to 5 PM on February 11.
"In pursuance of the provision of Rule 52 of the Delhi Excise Rules, 2010, it is hereby ordered that 'Dry Days' shall be observed from 5 PM on February 9 to 11 till 5 PM on account of Vidhan Sabha elections, 2017, in Uttar Pradesh by licencees," the order stated.
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The first phase of elections will be held in Ghaziabad, Gautambudh Nagar and other districts of Uttar Pradesh on February 11.
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