The wife of Attack Pandi, who was allegedly involved in the murder of a close associate of former Union Minister M.K.Alagiri, today pleaded with the Madras High Court to quash the detention of her husband under stringent Goondas Act by Madurai Police. A division bench of Justices P.R.Sivakumar and V.S. Ravi here ordered a notice to the Commissioner of Police and the Home Secretary seeking their replies within four weeks.
The detention order, issued on Nov 17, 2015, had been passed without properly analysing the entire case records, the petitioner argued.
The Commissioner detained him under Goondas Acton the ground that more than 20 cases, including of robbery and murder, were pending against him, she said.
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Attack Pandi was arrested in Mumbai and he was not in Madurai for three years. In the circumstances, how the detention authorities had satisfied themselves that if her husband came out on bail, it would be dangerous to the public tranquility, she contended.