: Three years after Tamil Nadu government ordered installation of electronic digital fare meter with printer and GPS in autorickshaws, the exercise is yet to see the light of day, a CAG report has revealed.
Following the revision of fares in August 2013, the state Government had issued orders to install electronic digital fare meter with printer and GPS in autorickshaws, the latest CAG report ended March 2016 said.
The installation of digital meters and GPS were aimed at tracking the vehicle and for ensuring collection of fares approved by the Government.
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State-government owned Electronic Corporation of Tamil Nadu (ELCOT) was entrusted with the procurement of the GPS devices. However, even after a period of 18 months, the GPS devices were not installed.
"Due to the failure of department to initiate necessary follow up action and the failure of ELCOT to finalise the tender for procurement of devices, GPS meters were not installed in autorickshaws", the report said.
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