Civil Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju on Friday said he will get the entire incident involving Telugu Desam Party (TDP) MP J C Diwakar Reddy at Vizag airport "enquired into" and will ensure that "lawful outcomes" follow.
Reddy, who is from the same party as that of the minister, allegedly created a ruckus at the Vizag airport on Thursday after being denied boarding by IndiGo as he was late.
While the TDP MP was finally accommodated on the same flight, all the major domestic carriers including IndiGo later banned him from their flights.
Raju said the entire matter would be looked into, a day after the incident.
"I will get the entire incident at Vizag Airport enquired into to find out the exact details and ensure that lawful outcomes follow," he said in a tweet.
I will get the entire incident at Vizag Airport enquired into to find out the exact details and ensure that lawful outcomes follow.
— Ashok Gajapathi Raju (@Ashok_Gajapathi) June 16, 2017
The minister also denied a media report that he had intervened to ensure that Reddy was allowed to board the IndiGo flight and said there was "no such intervention".
This is false reporting. There was no such intervention as reported.
— Ashok Gajapathi Raju (@Ashok_Gajapathi) June 16, 2017