Salim Allarakha Choukiya alias Ali in his bail application, filed in the metropolitan magistrate's court through lawyer Mahesh Vaswani, said his name did not figure in the FIR filed in the Azad Maidan violence.
"We have also said (that) after arresting Salim the police have not made any new discovery in the case and therefore his custody is not required," Vaswani said.
The court has posted the hearing on September 15.
Ali was allegedly seen holding the weapon in a video of the violent protests.
Two youths were killed and 52, including 44 policemen, were injured when a rally called to protest alleged atrocities on Muslims in Assam and Myanmar turned violent.
Protesters went on a rampage attacking the police, including some women constables, torching media and police vehicles, as well as smashing cameras of photo-journalists and damaging buses.