Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal today accused the newly appointed Punjab Congress President Partap Singh Bajwa of "stooping too low" by launching a malicious campaign against the SAD-BJP government just to gain "cheap popularity in the media".
Badal asked Bajwa to shun tirade against the alliance government and termed it as "canard aimed at tarnishing the sanguine image of the SAD-BJP government, which has the mandate of people and had came to power consecutively for second time on the sole plank of development."
He, however, said that the "mounting frustration" amongst the senior Congress leadership in Punjab was evident from the fact that they have been discarded by the people time and again.
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"I had never expected Bajwa to behave in such a childish manner as he despite knowing everything has shut his eyes and was issuing half baked statements without verifying the facts," Badal told reporters here.
The Chief Minister said that rather than resorting to mudslinging against the state government, the Congress party must behave in a responsible manner and refrain from issuing baseless statements against them.
Refuting the allegations of PPCC chief made yesterday at a press conference at Chandigarh regarding the politicisation of the state police force, Badal said that this charge was totally unsubstantiated as the police was working totally in accordance with the law of the land.
He said that all the officers were being appointed in the state on the basis of their merit and seniority with a sole aim to deliver efficient services to the people of the state.
Badal said that they had not conducted any new recruitment of the police officers and most of the top brass was the same, who were holding on key posts during the Congress regime from 2002-2007.
Replying to another query, the Chief Minister held the ill-conceived policies of the Union government responsible for the poor economic conditions of the state.