About Rs two lakh was snatched in two separate incidents from Rajiv Colony and Fajupur area here, police said today.
According to police, Neetu Pandey, a resident of Rajiv Colony, in her complaint said that while she was out of her house near JCB turning, a motorcycle-borne youth came and snatched the bag she was holding in her hand.
She said the youth snatched the bag containing Rs1,60,000, besides a purse, a gold chain and a mobile phone.
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A case has been registered at Sector-55 police station in this regard, investigating officer ASI Manshi Ram said.
While in another incident, one Vivek Parashar, a resident of village Tigaon has filed a complaint that yesterday night when he was riding his bike from village Fajupur, two bike- borne men intercepted his way and snatched his bag containing Rs 38,000.
A case has been filed in this regard at Chainsa police station, police said.