Additional Sessions Judge Kamini Lau dismissed the bail plea of Delhi resident Harish saying that such a person cannot be enlarged as the possibility of his exploiting other young girls cannot be ruled out.
"Our legal system is designed to protect young girls of vulnerable age and any person venturing into such kind of exploits, should know that courts of law shall grant him no indulgence.
"Bail is a discretion which this court will not use in favour of a person who exploits a woman. The application of accused Harish for grant of bail is hereby dismissed," the judge said.
A case was registered by the girl at Sultanpuri police station in North West Delhi district against accused Harish for allegedly raping her repeatedly on false promises of marrying her. She had also accused him of threatening her after filming her in the act in his mobile phone and then repeatedly exploiting her sexually under the threat of making the video public.
Harish had sought bail contending that the complainant had registered the case with ulterior motive and malafide intention to pressurise him to marry her. He said he was in friendly relationship with the girl but was not aware of her "ill intention and evil eye on his property."
The accused, who is in judicial custody since November 20 last year, argued that no offence of rape is made out against him as the girl was also a consenting party and if found guilty, it can only be a case of breach of promise of marriage. (More)