Veteran Telugu actor Balakrishna, son of TDP founder late N T Rama Rao, today began the shoot of his 100th film "Gautamiputra Satakarni", which is based on the life of the Andhra ruler who is said to have ruled over, mainly vast parts of southern India.
Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao, actor-turned-politician and former Union Minister Chiranjeevi, top Telugu hero Venkatesh and a host of prominent personalities from the world of film and politics attended the 'Muhurtham' event of the film here.
Rao, who was a TDP leader before starting the separate Telangana agitation with his party TRS in 2001, hailed the decision of Balakrishna to be part of the film on Gautamiputra Satakarni.
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Gautamiputra Satakarni was a great personality who initiated a new era (known as Satavahana Saka to celebrate his victory), Rao said.
Describing himself as a fan of late NTR, he expressed confidence that the 100th film of Balakrishna would run for 200 days.
NTR was a great son of Telugu race who brought an independent identity to Telugu who were till then often described as 'Madrasis', the Chief Minister said.
He also wished to be among the first to watch the film 'Gautamiputra Satakarni' upon its completion.
Noting that some misinformation was recently carried out when the Telangana recently government decided to erect a 125-ft statue of Ambedkar at the NTR gardens in Hyderabad, Rao said the NTR gardens, where the 'Samadhi' of the late Chief Minister was situated, would continued to be like that forever.
The film is helmed by young director Krish.