Defending the role of the Delhi police officials in the arrest of Sayed Liyaqat Shah in 2013 on terror charges, Delhi Police Commissioner B S Bassi today said his men are fighting terrorism without fear.
"I can only tell you that our officers have been doing a great job. I have neither seen the report nor have read it.
"I would read it then I will talk about it. Before that I can only tell you that Delhi police has been doing a great work in fighting terrorism," Bassi said.
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Shah, while returning to his home under the 'surrender policy' of Jammu and Kashmir government, was arrested by Delhi Police's elite Special Cell on March 20, 2013, for allegedly being a militant of banned Hizbul Mujahdieen. They alleged that he was in Delhi to carry out terror strikes.
National Investigation Agency (NIA), however, gave him a clean chit last week in a chargesheet filed in the case in a court here. It said that weapons had been planted to frame Shah, who hails from north Kashmir.
However, Bassi refuted the NIA claims and said that "our officers have been taking lot of risks to ensure safety to people of Delhi".