West Bengal Finance Minister Amit Mitra today said that the leather industry in the state produced Rs 13,000 crore worth goods, of which exports stood for Rs 7,000 crore in 2015-16.
"It is heartening that the leather industry in the state produces goods worth Rs 13,000 crore and we look forward to the industry reaching a target of Rs 15,000 crore within two years," Mitra said while inaugurating the Kolkata edition of India International Leather Fair (IILF).
"Of this, the export component is a huge Rs 7,000 crore," he said adding that participation of buyers from Europe and Japan at the three-day IILF would enhance sell of goods in foreign countries.
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Noting the presence of German Consul General in Kolkata Olaf Iversen at the inauguration, the finance minister said "we can hope that this will lead to more queries from and businesses with German buyers with regard to the state's leather products."
Stating that the labour-intensive industry employs around three lakh workers in the state, he said that the West Bengal government's job was to create leather clusters and leather hubs like the Bantala Leather Complex seated on a 1,100 acre township, exclusively for the industry.
Alongwith the IILF, the India Trade Promotion Organisation is also holding the Kolkata edition of 'Tex Styles' fair at the Milan Mela ground here from February 26 to February 28.
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