Tollywood superstar Dev, contesting Lok Sabha polls on a Trinamool Congress ticket, owns assets worth over Rs 15 crore.
In his affidavit filed before the Election Commission, the 32-year-old actor, whose real name is Deepak Adhikari, said that he had earned Rs 3.23 crore in 2013-14.
His movable assets including bank balance,investments, valued to be over Rs 5.24 crore. He also owns three cars including a BMW and Mercedes, totalling Rs 95 lakh.
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Dev's immovable assets include flats and other properties whose current market value is estimated to be Rs 10 crore.
He has loans and other liabilities worth over Rs 1.7 crore.
On the education front, the affidavit said, after passing class ten exams he did a diploma in computer engineering.
Dev is contesting from Ghatal Lok Sabha seat in West Midnapore district.