BJP spokesperson Meenakshi Lekhi today alleged here that Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi was trying to get sympathy by referring to violent deaths of his father and his grandmother and that Sikh militant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale, who had led the Khalistan movement, was "Indira Gandhi's creation".
Rahul had accused BJP yesterday of indulging in politics of hatred, and said that he too could be killed like his grandmother and father.
"The basic question is who created this atmosphere, which has given birth to divisive, sectarian and fissiparous tendencies, thereby giving rise to terrorists and extremist elements? Undoubtedly, it is Congress and Congress alone," Lekhi told reporters.
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Rahul had started attacking BJP as Congress was finding it difficult to come to terms with the growing popularity of BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi, she claimed.
Rahul's comments at the rally in Rajasthan were only a reflection of his party's "despair and frustration", Lekhi charged.
She claimed UPA's food security law was nothing but a slightly changed version of the schemes launched by Atal Bihari Vajpayee government.
Similarly, NDA had taken the initial steps for enacting the Right to Information Act for which now Congress was taking credit, she said.
Lekhi also cited the instance of ordinance on convicted legislators, where BJP had first voiced opposition, and Rahul Gandhi followed suit and claimed credit for opposing it.